A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 
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a - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.NMWDReliabilityFunction
The used shape of the NMWDReliabilityFunction.
ABGT<T> - Class in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The ABGT class calculates the ABGT importance for coherent and non-coherent systems proposed by [ABGT17].
ABGT(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.ABGT
Returns a ABGT calculator for a specific system with its BDD and ReliabilityFunction Transformer.
AbstractAspect - Class in org.jreliability.gui.aspect
The AbstractAspect is the basic class for all Aspects.
AbstractAspect(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.AbstractAspect
Constructs an AbstractAspect with a given name and labels for the x-axis and y-axis.
AbstractHierarchicalTerm - Class in org.jreliability.booleanfunction
The AbstractHierarchicalTerm is the basic class for TermUtils that consist of other TermUtils.
AbstractHierarchicalTerm() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.AbstractHierarchicalTerm
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel.AspectPicker
add(int, Term) - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm
Adds a Term and its coefficient.
add(List<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDDProvider
Register variables in the specified order.
add(List<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
add(Term) - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.AbstractHierarchicalTerm
Adds a Term to the list of embedded TermUtils.
add(Term) - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm
add(Term...) - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.AbstractHierarchicalTerm
Adds Terms to the list of embedded TermUtils.
add(ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.ReliabilityFunctionSet
add(T...) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDDProvider
Register variables in the specified order.
add(T...) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
allsat() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns a BDD Iterator containing all satisfying variable assignments.
allsat() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
alpha - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.ExponentialReliabilityFunction
The parameter alpha corresponds to the failure-rate lambda.
alpha - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.WeibullReliabilityFunction
The alpha parameter somehow resembles the failure-rate lambda.
and(BDD<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the logical and of two BDDs.
and(BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
ANDTerm - Class in org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common
The ANDTerm is a Term that interrelates its embedded TermUtils with the AND operator}.
ANDTerm() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.ANDTerm
Constructs an ANDTerm.
ANDTerm(List<Term>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.ANDTerm
Constructs an ANDTerm with a given list of embedded TermUtils .
andWith(Collection<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Makes this BDD the logical and of this and that variables.
andWith(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
andWith(BDD<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Makes this BDD the logical and of this and that BDD.
andWith(BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
andWith(T) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Makes this BDD the logical and of this and that variable.
andWith(T) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
Aspect - Interface in org.jreliability.gui.aspect
The Aspect allows to determine the y-value for the ReliabilityFunction y = R(x) under the current Aspect.
AspectPicker(ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel, List<Aspect>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel.AspectPicker
Constructs an ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel.AspectPicker with a given JPanel and the Aspects.
aspects - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel.AspectPicker
The different Aspects.
aspects - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel
The list of samplers that can be chosen.


b - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.NMWDReliabilityFunction
The used shape of the NMWDReliabilityFunction.
BAGT<T> - Class in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The BAGT class calculates the time-independent importance of components proposed by [BAGT16].
BAGT(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT
Returns a BAGT calculator for a specific system with its BDD and ReliabilityFunction Transformer.
BAGT.Variant - Enum in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
BarlowProschan<T> - Class in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The BarlowProschan class calculates the time-independent importance for coherent systems proposed by Barlow and Proschan in [BP75].
BarlowProschan(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BarlowProschan
Returns a BarlowProschan calculator for a specific system with its BDD and ReliabilityFunction Transformer.
BarlowProschan.BarlowProschanFunction - Class in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
BarlowProschanFunction(ReliabilityFunction, ReliabilityFunction, DensityFunction) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BarlowProschan.BarlowProschanFunction
bdd - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDReliabilityFunction
The BDD representing the UnreliabilityFunction.
bdd - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
bdd - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.ABGT
bdd - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT
bdd - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BarlowProschan
bdd - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityCalculator
bdd - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.RAW
bdd - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.RRW
BDD<T> - Interface in org.jreliability.bdd
The BDD is an interface containing the very basic functionality of a BDD.
BDDProvider<T> - Interface in org.jreliability.bdd
The BDDProvider provides the actual BDDs for each component.
BDDProviderFactory - Interface in org.jreliability.bdd
BDDReliabilityFunction<T> - Class in org.jreliability.bdd
The BDDReliabilityFunction represents the ReliabilityFunction that is inherently included in a BDD.
BDDReliabilityFunction(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDReliabilityFunction
Constructs a BDDReliabilityFunction with a given BDD and Transformer.
BDDs - Class in org.jreliability.bdd
The BDDs contains common reliabilityFunctions for/on BDDs.
BDDs() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
BDDTopEvent<T> - Class in org.jreliability.bdd
The BDDTopEvent allows the fast calculation of the top event for a given BDD.
BDDTopEvent(BDD<T>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTopEvent
Constructs the BDDTopEvent calculator for a given BDD.
bddTTRF - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.ABGT
bddTTRF - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT
bddTTRF - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BarlowProschan
bddTTRF - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityCalculator
bddTTRF - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.RAW
bddTTRF - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.RRW
BDDTTRF<T> - Class in org.jreliability.bdd
The BDDTTRF transforms a Boolean function represented as a Term into a ReliabilityFunction or, if needed, into a BDD.
BDDTTRF(BDDProvider<T>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
Constructs a BDDTTRF with a given BDDProvider.
BDDTTRFSimulative<T> - Class in org.jreliability.bdd
The BDDTTRFSimulative performs a Monte-Carlo simulation to determine the ReliabilityFunction based on a BDD representation of the system structure.
BDDTTRFSimulative(BDDProvider<T>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
Constructs a BDDTTRFSimulative with a given BDDProvider and a standard epsilon of 0.001.
BDDTTRFSimulative(BDDProvider<T>, double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
Constructs a BDDTTRFSimulative with a given BDDProvider and an epsilon.
beta - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.HjorthReliabilityFunction
The beta parameter scales the HjorthReliabilityFunction.
beta - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.WeibullReliabilityFunction
The used shape of the WeibullReliabilityFunction.
Birnbaum<T> - Class in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The Birnbaum class calculates the Birnbaum Importance for coherent systems.
Birnbaum(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.Birnbaum
Returns a Birnbaum calculator for a specific system with its BDD and ReliabilityFunction Transformer.
BirnbaumAB<T> - Class in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The BirnbaumAB class calculates the Andrews Beeson extension of the Birnbaum importance for coherent and non-coherent systems by [AB03].
BirnbaumAB(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BirnbaumAB
Returns a BirnbaumAB calculator for a specific system with its BDD and ReliabilityFunction Transformer.
bitStreamLength - Variable in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
The length of the used bit streams for stochastic logic.
Boiler - Class in org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler
The Boiler models a boiler that is responsible for keeping the water in a tank at the desired temperature and pumping it to a destination if needed.
Boiler() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
Constructs a Boiler.
BoilerComponent - Class in org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler
The abstract BoilerComponent is the basic class that models each of the components used in the model of the Boiler.
BoilerComponent(String) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.BoilerComponent
Constructs a BoilerComponent with a given name.
BoilerTester - Class in org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler
The BoilerTester performs some common actions that are done with a modeled system.
BoilerTester() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.BoilerTester
BoilerTransformer - Class in org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler
BoilerTransformer(Boiler) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.BoilerTransformer
Constructs a BoilerTransformer with a given Boiler.
BridgeSystem - Class in org.jreliability.testsystems
Implements a coherent bridge system with two paths 1 2 and 3 4 and the bridge 5.
BridgeSystem(ReliabilityFunction, ReliabilityFunction, ReliabilityFunction, ReliabilityFunction, ReliabilityFunction) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.testsystems.BridgeSystem
build(BDD<T>, Map<BDD<T>, BDDTopEvent.VarNode>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTopEvent
Builds the internal node from a BDD node.
buildConstraintBDD(List<BDDConstraint.Literal<T>>, int, int, int, int, Map<BDDConstraint.Pair<Integer, Integer>, BDD<T>>, BDDProvider<T>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Returns a greater-equal constraint represented as a BDD via a recursive procedure proposed by Een & Soerrensson 2006.


calculate() - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BarlowProschan
Calculates the Barlow Proschan importances for all components.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.ABGT
Calculates the ABGT importances for all components at the specified time.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.Birnbaum
Calculates the Birnbaum importances for all components at the specified time.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BirnbaumAB
Calculates the Andrews Beeson extension of the Birnbaum importance for all components at the specified time.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.RAW
Calculates the RAW values for all components at the specified time.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.RRW
Calculates the RRW values for all components at the specified time.
calculate(double) - Method in interface org.jreliability.importancemeasures.TimeDependentImportanceMeasure
Assign a importance value to each variable T of the system at a specific time t.
calculate(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.Vaurio
Calculates the Vaurio importances for all components at the specified time.
calculate(Transformer<T, Double>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTopEvent
Calculates the top event for the values given by the functionTransformer.
calculate(BAGT.Variant) - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT
Calculates one of the BAGT importance measure variants.
calculateTop(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, Double>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Calculates the top event of the BDD based on a functionTransformer that delivers for each variable T a double value.
coefficients - Variable in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm
The coefficients of the embedded terms.
collectDotEdges(BDD<T>, StringBuffer, Map<BDD<T>, String>, Set<BDD<T>>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Traverses the BDD to collects all edges for the DOT representation.
collectDotMarkers(BDD<T>, StringBuffer, Map<T, String>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Traverses the BDD to setup the correct ranks of all nodes belonging to the same variable.
collectDotNodes(BDD<T>, StringBuffer, Map<BDD<T>, String>, Map<T, Integer>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Traverses the BDD to collects all nodes for the DOT representation.
collectDotRanks(BDD<T>, StringBuffer, Map<BDD<T>, String>, Map<T, String>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Traverses the BDD to setup the correct ranks of all nodes belonging to the same variable.
collectNodes(BDD<T>, T, Set<BDD<T>>, Set<BDD<T>>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Traverses the BDD to collect all nodes for a given variable T.
collectTimesToFailure(Term, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>, Predicate<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
Collects all times-to-failure to derive 5000 samples needed to calculate the ReliabilityFunction.
collectTimesToFailure(Term, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>, Predicate<T>, int) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
Collects all times-to-failure to derive n samples needed to calculate the ReliabilityFunction.
collectVariables(BDD<T>, Set<T>, Set<BDD<T>>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Traverses the BDD to collect all variables.
collectVariablesSorted(BDD<T>, List<T>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Traverses the BDD to collect all variables in the current variable order of the BDD.
comboBox - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel.AspectPicker
The box for the different Aspects.
comparator - Variable in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm
compareTo(Occurrence<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.common.Occurrence
component1 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.BridgeSystem
component1 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.SeriesParallelSystem
component1 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TCNCSystem
component1 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TINCSystem
component1 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TMR
component1 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr.TMR
The first component.
component2 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.BridgeSystem
component2 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.SeriesParallelSystem
component2 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TCNCSystem
component2 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TINCSystem
component2 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TMR
component2 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr.TMR
The second component.
component3 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.BridgeSystem
component3 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.SeriesParallelSystem
component3 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TCNCSystem
component3 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TINCSystem
component3 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TMR
component3 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr.TMR
The third component.
component4 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.BridgeSystem
component4 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TINCSystem
component5 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.BridgeSystem
component5 - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TINCSystem
components - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
All components that are included in the Boiler.
ConstantFailureFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
The ConstantFailureFunction returns a constant failure probability for which it must hold that
0 =< failure probability =< 1.
ConstantFailureFunction(double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.ConstantFailureFunction
ConstantReliabilityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
The ConstantReliabilityFunction returns a constant success probability for which it must hold that
0 =< failure probability =< 1.
ConstantReliabilityFunction(double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.ConstantReliabilityFunction
ConstraintTester - Class in org.jreliability.tester
The ConstraintTester can be used to test the BDDTTRF.convertToBDD(Term) function.
ConstraintTester() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tester.ConstraintTester
controller - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
The controller.
Controller - Class in org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler
The Controller models a controlling component that is used for activating the pumps and controlling the water temperature.
Controller(String) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Controller
Constructs a Controller with a given name.
convert(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
Converts a given BDD and a Transformer to a ReliabilityFunction.
convert(Term, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
convert(Term, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
convert(Term, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TTRF
Converts a Term to a ReliabilityFunction.
convert(Term, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>, int) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
Converts a given Term to a ReliabilityFunction based on j-samples.
convert(Term, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>, Predicate<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
convert(Term, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>, Predicate<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
convert(Term, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>, Predicate<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TTRF
Converts a Term to a ReliabilityFunction and excludes the exists variables.
convert(Term, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>, Predicate<T>, int) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
Converts a given Term to a ReliabilityFunction based on j-samples.
convertToBDD(Term) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
Returns a BDD representing the given Term.
convertToBDD(Term, Predicate<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
Returns a BDD representing the given Term while respecting the exists-variables.
copy() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns a copy of this BDD.
copy() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
critCalc - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.ABGT
critCalc - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.Birnbaum
critCalc - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BirnbaumAB
critCalc - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.Vaurio
CriticalityBDDs<T> - Class in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The CriticalityBDDs class is a wrapper class to encapsulate the failure and repair criticality BDDs of a component.
CriticalityBDDs(BDD<T>, BDD<T>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityBDDs
CriticalityCalculator<T> - Class in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The CriticalityCalculator is a utility class used to calculate the CriticalityValues and CriticalityBDDs of the components of a system.
CriticalityCalculator(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityCalculator
Returns a CriticalityCalculator for a specific system with its BDD and ReliabilityFunction Transformer.
CriticalityValues - Class in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The CriticalityValues class is a wrapper class to encapsulate the failure and repair criticality values of a component.
CriticalityValues(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityValues
current - Variable in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils.ParseString
The pointer for the current position.
currentAspect - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel.AspectPicker
The currently shown Aspect.


delta - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.HjorthReliabilityFunction
The delta parameter shapes the HjorthReliabilityFunction.
DensityAspect - Class in org.jreliability.gui.aspect
The DensityAspect represents the density of a ReliabilityFunction.
DensityAspect() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.DensityAspect
Constructs a DensityAspect.
densityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.FailureRate
The used DensityFunction to determine f(x).
DensityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function
The DensityFunction determines the density f(x) of a Function F(x).
DensityFunction(Function) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.DensityFunction
Constructs a DensityFunction with a given Function.


epsilon - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
The used maximum error epsilon value for the simulation.
epsilon - Variable in class org.jreliability.evaluator.IntegralEvaluator
The allowed error / epsilon for Romberg's method.
epsilon - Variable in class org.jreliability.evaluator.MomentEvaluator
The allowed error epsilon for Romberg's integration.
epsilon - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.InverseFunction
The allowed error epsilon for embedded bisection method.
EQUAL - org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm.Comparator
The equal comparator, i.e.
equals(Object) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
TODO Returns true if this BDD equals that BDD.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LiteralTerm
evaluate(Transformer<T, Double>) - Method in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
The evaluation performs the actual stochastic logic calculations by a sequential processing of the different terms according to their order and using a stack.
evaluate(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, Double>, Set<BDD<T>>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Evaluates the BDD to determine the top event.
evaluate(Function, double, double) - Method in class org.jreliability.evaluator.IntegralEvaluator
Calculates the integral from a to b.
evaluate(ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.evaluator.MomentEvaluator
Returns the value derived from an integration of the ReliabilityFunction.
evaluate(ReliabilityFunction, double) - Method in class org.jreliability.evaluator.InverseEvaluator
Returns the x value for a given y value in y = R(x) of a given ReliabilityFunction.
evaluateAND(Term) - Method in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
The evaluation of an ANDTerm with respective AND operation on the bit streams of the operands.
evaluateNOT(Term) - Method in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
The evaluation of an NOTTerm with respective flip of the bit streams of the operand.
evaluateOR(Term) - Method in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
The evaluation of an ORTerm with respective OR operation on the bit streams of the operands.
Evaluator - Interface in org.jreliability.evaluator
The Evaluator is a marker interface for all evaluators.
exist(T) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns this BDD after an existential quantification of the specified variable.
exist(T) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
ExponentialFailureFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
The ExponentialFailureFunction represents the exponential behavior of cumulative failure probability
F(x) = 1 - e^-(alpha * x)
of a failure caused with a fixed rate/probability of occurrence alpha > 0.
ExponentialFailureFunction(double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.ExponentialFailureFunction
ExponentialReliabilityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
The ExponentialReliabilityFunction represents the exponential ReliabilityFunction
R(x) = 1 - F(x) = e^-(alpha * x)
with alpha > 0.
ExponentialReliabilityFunction(double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.ExponentialReliabilityFunction
Constructs an ExponentialReliabilityFunction with a given alpha.


factory - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
The used BDDFactory.
Failure<T> - Class in org.jreliability.common
The Failure represents the occurrence of a failure of an object and delivers the time of the failure as the information.
Failure(T, double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.common.Failure
Constructs a Failure with a given object and a time.
failureCriticality - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityValues
failureCriticalityBdd - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityBDDs
FailureRate - Class in org.jreliability.function
The FailureRate determines the failure rate lambda of a given ReliabilityFunction and is defined as
FailureRate(ReliabilityFunction) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.FailureRate
Constructs a FailureRate with a given ReliabilityFunction .
FailureRateAspect - Class in org.jreliability.gui.aspect
The FailureRateAspect represents the FailureRate of a given ReliabilityFunction.
FailureRateAspect() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.FailureRateAspect
Constructs a FailureRateAspect.
FALSETerm - Class in org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common
The FALSETerm corresponds to the logical FALSE or 0.
FALSETerm() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.FALSETerm
firstMoment - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel
The Evaluator to determine the first moment, i.e., the expected value.
forAll(T) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns this BDD after a universal quantification of the specified variable.
forAll(T) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
free() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Destroys this BDD.
free() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
function - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.DensityFunction
The Function for which the DensityFunction is to determine.
Function - Interface in org.jreliability.function
The Function represents a mathematical function y = f(x).
functions - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.ReliabilityFunctionSet
The set of ReliabilityFunctions.
functionTransformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDReliabilityFunction
The used Transformer to get the ReliabilityFunction of each element of the BDD.
functionTransformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.sl.SLReliabilityFunction
The used Transformer to get the ReliabilityFunction of each element of the SL.


generateRandomBitstream(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
Generates a BitSet representing the bit stream where the ratio of 1s and 0s resembles the given probability.
get() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LiteralTerm
Returns the variable.
get() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.NOTTerm
Returns the term.
get() - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel.AspectPicker
Returns the current Aspect.
get() - Method in class org.jreliability.tester.TestExample
Returns the Term representation of the TestExample.
get() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.BridgeSystem
get() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.SeriesParallelSystem
get() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TCNCSystem
get() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TINCSystem
get() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TMR
get() - Method in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
Returns the ReliabilityFunction that represents the Boiler.
get() - Method in class org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr.TMR
Returns ReliabilityFunction describing the TMR using the BDDTTRF.
get(Map<String, ReliabilityFunction>) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel
Returns the JPanel for a given set of ReliabilityFunctions.
get(BDD<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDDProvider
Returns the variable that is represented by the BDD.
get(BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
get(T) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDDProvider
Returns the BDD that represents the variable.
get(T) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
getAlpha() - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.ExponentialReliabilityFunction
The alpha parameter.
getBdd() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDReliabilityFunction
Returns the BDD.
getBDD(List<Integer>, List<BDD<T>>, LinearTerm.Comparator, int, BDDProvider<T>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Converts a linear constraint to a BDD.
getCoefficients() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm
Returns the coefficients of the Terms.
getComparator() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm
Returns the LinearTerm.Comparator of the LinearTerm.
getComponents() - Method in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
Returns the components of the Boiler.
getConstraintBDD(BDDConstraint<T>, BDDProvider<T>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Returns a greater-equal constraint represented as a BDD.
getCriticalityBDDs(T) - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityCalculator
Calculates the failure and repair CriticalityBDDs of the given variable (component).
getCriticalityValues(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityCalculator
Calculates the CriticalityValues for all components at the specified time.
getCurrent() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils.ParseString
Returns the current character.
getFactory() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
Returns the used BDDFactory.
getFailureCriticality() - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityValues
getFailureCriticalityBDD() - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityBDDs
getFailures(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
Generates the Failure occurrences for a single simulation run based on the given BDD and the ReliabilityFunctions of its elements.
getFunctions() - Method in class org.jreliability.function.ReliabilityFunctionSet
Returns the set of ReliabilityFunctions.
getImageIcon() - Static method in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityViewer
Returns the ImageIcon.
getLower(ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.AbstractAspect
getLower(ReliabilityFunction) - Method in interface org.jreliability.gui.aspect.Aspect
Returns the lower bound of the ReliabilityFunction under the current Aspect.
getName() - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.AbstractAspect
getName() - Method in interface org.jreliability.gui.aspect.Aspect
Returns the name of the Aspect.
getName() - Method in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.BoilerComponent
Returns the name of the component.
getNodes(T, BDD<T>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Returns all nodes of the BDD that represent the variable T.
getObject() - Method in class org.jreliability.common.Occurrence
Returns the object.
getPanel(String, Map<String, ReliabilityFunction>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityViewer
Returns the GUI as a JPanel with a given title and a map of ReliabilityFunctions.
getProbabiliy(Transformer<T, Double>) - Method in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
Calculates the probability of the Term (i.e.
getProvider() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the used BDDProvider.
getProvider() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDDProviderFactory
Returns a BDDProvider.
getProvider() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
getProvider() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProviderFactory
getRepairCriticality() - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityValues
getRepairCriticalityBdd() - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityBDDs
getRHS() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm
Returns the right-hand-side.
getSamples() - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.SampledReliabilityFunction
Returns all samples in an ordered List.
getSamples(Map<String, ReliabilityFunction>, Aspect, int) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.SampleCollector
Returns the Samples (with a number of points each) of a set of ReliabilityFunctions under a given Aspect.
getSamples(ReliabilityFunction, Aspect, double, double, int) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.SampleCollector
Returns number Samples of a ReliabilityFunction under a given Aspect, ranging from the lower to the upper bound.
getTerm() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.BridgeSystem
getTerm() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.SeriesParallelSystem
getTerm() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TCNCSystem
getTerm() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TINCSystem
getTerm() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TMR
getTerm() - Method in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
Returns a model of the Boiler as a Term.
getTerm() - Method in class org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr.TMR
Returns a model of the TMR as a Term.
getTermFromString(String) - Static method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils
Derives a Term from a given String.
getTerms() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.AbstractHierarchicalTerm
Returns a list of the embedded TermUtils.
getTime() - Method in class org.jreliability.common.Occurrence
Returns the time.
getTransformer() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDReliabilityFunction
Returns the used Transformer.
getTransformer() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.BridgeSystem
getTransformer() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.SeriesParallelSystem
getTransformer() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TCNCSystem
getTransformer() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TINCSystem
getTransformer() - Method in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TMR
getTransformer() - Method in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
Returns the BoilerTransformer.
getTransformer() - Method in class org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr.TMR
Returns a Transformer for each element of the system to its ReliabilityFunction.
getUpper(ReliabilityFunction) - Method in interface org.jreliability.gui.aspect.Aspect
Returns the upper bound of the ReliabilityFunction under the current Aspect.
getUpper(ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.DensityAspect
getUpper(ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.FailureRateAspect
getUpper(ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.ReliabilityFunctionAspect
getUpper(ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.UnreliabilityFunctionAspect
getUpperBound(ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.evaluator.MomentEvaluator
Returns the calculated upper bound that will be used in the integration process.
getVariable(BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTopEvent
Returns the internal variable for a BDD.
getVariables() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the set of variables that are used in this BDD.
getVariables() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
getVariables(BDD<T>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Returns all variables (elements) T included in the BDD.
getVariables(Term) - Static method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils
Returns the variables included in a Term.
getVariables(Term, Set<T>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils
Adds the variables included in a Term to a given set of variables.
getXAxis() - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.AbstractAspect
getXAxis() - Method in interface org.jreliability.gui.aspect.Aspect
Returns the label for the x-axis .
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDReliabilityFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.ConstantFailureFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.ConstantReliabilityFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.ExponentialFailureFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.ExponentialReliabilityFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.HjorthReliabilityFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.LognormalReliabilityFunction
The estimated log-normal reliability function (the estimation uncertainty is 3E-7 for uniformly distributed random variables).
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.NMWDReliabilityFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.NormalReliabilityFunction
The estimated log-normal reliability function (the estimation uncertainty is 3E-7 for uniformly distributed random variables).
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.ParallelReliabilityFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.SampledReliabilityFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.SerialReliabilityFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.SumReliabilityFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.WeibullReliabilityFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.DensityFunction
Returns the y value for y = f(x).
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.FailureRate
Returns the failure rate lambda lambda(x) = f(x) / R(x) of the ReliabilityFunction at the x-value.
getY(double) - Method in interface org.jreliability.function.Function
Returns the y value for y = f(x).
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.InverseFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.UnreliabilityFunction
Returns the y value for y = F(x) = 1 - R(x).
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BarlowProschan.BarlowProschanFunction
getY(double) - Method in class org.jreliability.sl.SLReliabilityFunction
getY(double, ReliabilityFunction) - Method in interface org.jreliability.gui.aspect.Aspect
Returns the y-value for the ReliabilityFunction y = R(x) under the current Aspect.
getY(double, ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.DensityAspect
getY(double, ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.FailureRateAspect
getY(double, ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.ReliabilityFunctionAspect
getY(double, ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.UnreliabilityFunctionAspect
getY(List<Double>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.function.Function
Returns a list of y values for a given list of x value.
getY(List<Double>) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.ReliabilityFunctionSet
getY(List<Double>) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.SequentialFunction
getY(List<Double>) - Method in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BarlowProschan.BarlowProschanFunction
getYAxis() - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.AbstractAspect
getYAxis() - Method in interface org.jreliability.gui.aspect.Aspect
Returns the label for the x-axis.
GREATER - org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm.Comparator
The greater comparator, i.e.
GREATEREQUAL - org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm.Comparator
The greater-equal comparator, i.e.


hashCode() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
hashCode() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LiteralTerm
heater - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestExample
The heater.
heater - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestExponentialTransformer
The heater.
heater - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestWeibullTransformer
The heater.
heater - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
The water heater.
Heater - Class in org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler
The Heater models an actor component of the boiler that is responsible for increasing the water temperature.
Heater(String) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Heater
Constructs a Heater with a given name.
heaterReliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestExponentialTransformer
The ReliabilityFunction of the heater.
heaterReliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestWeibullTransformer
The ReliabilityFunction of the heater.
high() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the true or 1 branch of this BDD.
high() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
HjorthReliabilityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
HjorthReliabilityFunction(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.HjorthReliabilityFunction
Constructs a HjorthReliabilityFunction with a given beta, delta, and theta.


imp(BDD<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the logical implication of two BDDs.
imp(BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
ImportanceMeasure - Interface in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The ImportanceMeasure is used to assign a importance value to each variable of the system.
impWith(BDD<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the logical implication of two BDDs.
impWith(BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
impWith(T) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Makes this BDD the logical implication of this and that variable.
impWith(T) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
indices - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel
The map keeps track of the aspect and its index in the picker.
INITIAL_VARIABLES - Static variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProviderFactory
The number of initially allocated variables.
initialize() - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel
Initializes the MeasuresPanel by adding all single MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanels to a JTabbedPane.
initialize(Term) - Method in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
Initializes the SL by ordering the Term for the stack processing.
IntegralEvaluator - Class in org.jreliability.evaluator
The IntegralEvaluator determines the integral of a Function using Romberg's method.
IntegralEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.evaluator.IntegralEvaluator
Constructs the IntegralEvaluator with the epsilon value 1.0E-8.
IntegralEvaluator(double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.evaluator.IntegralEvaluator
Constructs the IntegralEvaluator.
integrate(ReliabilityFunction, double, double) - Method in class org.jreliability.evaluator.MomentEvaluator
Calculates the integral between a and b using Romberg's integration.
intToVariable - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
A translation of the Integer in the real BDD to the variable.
inverse - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel
The Evaluator to calculate the inverse of the UnreliabilityFunction of the ReliabilityFunction, used to derive the Mission-Time.
InverseEvaluator - Class in org.jreliability.evaluator
The InverseEvaluator calculates the x value in y = R(x) for a given y of the ReliabilityFunction R(t).
InverseEvaluator() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.evaluator.InverseEvaluator
InverseFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function
The InverseFunction determines the inverse reliability R^-1(x).
InverseFunction(ReliabilityFunction) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.InverseFunction
Constructs an InverseFunction with a given ReliabilityFunction and an acceptable error of 1.0E-5.
InverseFunction(ReliabilityFunction, double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.InverseFunction
Constructs an InverseFunction with a given ReliabilityFunction and an error epsilon for the embedded bisection method.
isEnd() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils.ParseString
Returns true if the end of the String is reached.
isOne() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns true if this BDD is the one BDD.
isOne() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
isZero() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns true if this BDD is the zero BDD.
isZero() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
ite(BDD<T>, BDD<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the if-then-else} BDD with this BDD being the if, the thenBDD being the then and elseBDD being the else statement.
ite(BDD<T>, BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD


JAVABDD - org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProviderFactory.Type
Use JavaBDD.
JBDD<T> - Class in org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd
The JBDD is a BDD based on the JavaBDD standard java implementation.
JBDDProvider<T> - Class in org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd
The JBDDProvider used to get JBDD BDDs.
JBDDProvider(JBDDProviderFactory.Type, int) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
Constructs a JBDDProvider with the JBDDProviderFactory.Type of the BDD library to use and a given number of variables.
JBDDProvider(JBDDProviderFactory.Type, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
Constructs a JBDDProvider with the JBDDProviderFactory.Type of the BDD library to use, a given number of variables, the growth rate of the number of variables, and the initial number of nodes.
JBDDProviderFactory - Class in org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd
The JBDDProviderFactory is a BDDProviderFactory for the JavaBDD library.
JBDDProviderFactory() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProviderFactory
Constructs a JBDDProviderFactory.
JBDDProviderFactory(JBDDProviderFactory.Type) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProviderFactory
Constructs a JBDDProviderFactory.
JBDDProviderFactory.Type - Enum in org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd
The JBDDProviderFactory.Type of real BDD implementation.
JDD - org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProviderFactory.Type
Use JDD.


lambda - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.NMWDReliabilityFunction
The lambda parameter somehow resembles the failure-rate lambda.
LESS - org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm.Comparator
The less comparator, i.e.
LESSEQUAL - org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm.Comparator
The less-equal comparator, i.e.
level() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the level of this BDD.
level() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
LinearTerm - Class in org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common
The LinearTerm represents a linear constraint of the form:
left-hand-side comparator right-hand-side.
LinearTerm(List<Integer>, List<Term>, LinearTerm.Comparator, int) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm
Constructs a LinearTerm with a given list of coefficients, the embedded Terms, the LinearTerm.Comparator, and the right-hand-side.
LinearTerm(LinearTerm.Comparator, int) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm
Constructs a LinearTerm with a given LinearTerm.Comparator, and the right-hand-side.
LinearTerm.Comparator - Enum in org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common
The LinearTerm.Comparator determines the comparator in the LinearTerm, i.e.
LiteralTerm<T> - Class in org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common
The LiteralTerm represents a literal, i.e.
LiteralTerm(T) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LiteralTerm
Constructs a LiteralTerm with a given variable.
lognormalReliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.NormalReliabilityFunction
LognormalReliabilityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
LognormalReliabilityFunction(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.LognormalReliabilityFunction
Constructs a LognormalReliabilityFunction with a given mu and rho.
LOGO - Static variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityViewer
The location of the LOGO.
low() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the false or 0 branch of this BDD.
low() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
lower - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.AbstractAspect
The standard lower bound is 0.


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jreliability.tester.ConstraintTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jreliability.tester.MemoryLeakTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jreliability.tester.PlotDataForImportanceMeasuresCreator
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jreliability.tester.ReliabilityTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.BoilerTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr.TMRTester
MeasurePanel(ReliabilityFunction) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel
MeasuresPanel - Class in org.jreliability.gui
The MeasuresPanel collects a MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel for each ReliabilityFunction that shall be shown in the GUI and adds them to a JTabbedPane.
MeasuresPanel(Map<String, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel
Constructs a MeasuresPanel with given ReliabilityFunctions and their identifiers.
MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel - Class in org.jreliability.gui
The MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel shows some common reliability-related measures that are derived from the ReliabilityFunctions.
MemoryLeakTest - Class in org.jreliability.tester
MemoryLeakTest() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tester.MemoryLeakTest
MINUS - org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT.Variant
MINUS_NORMALIZED - org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT.Variant
moment - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT
moment - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BarlowProschan
MomentEvaluator - Class in org.jreliability.evaluator
The MomentEvaluator determines the n-th moment of a density function f(x) given a ReliabilityFunction R(x).
E(X^n) = integral_0^infinity x^n f(x) dx.
MomentEvaluator(int) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.evaluator.MomentEvaluator
Constructs a MomentEvaluator for the given n-th moment and a maximum error epsilon of 1.0E-5.
MomentEvaluator(int, double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.evaluator.MomentEvaluator
Constructs a MomentEvaluator for the given n-th moment and a maximum error epsilon.
mt - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel
The JLabel that is used to display the Mission-Time MT for the user specified probability p in p = P[MT].
mtFieldFormat - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel
The used NumberFormat for the mtProbability text field.
mtProbability - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel
The probability p in p = P[MT].
mttf - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT
mu - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.LognormalReliabilityFunction
The used mean of the natural logarithms of the times-to-failure.
mu - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.NormalReliabilityFunction
The used mean of the natural logarithms of the times-to-failure.


n - Variable in class org.jreliability.evaluator.MomentEvaluator
The n-th moment.
name - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.AbstractAspect
The name of the Aspect.
name - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.BoilerComponent
The name of the component.
names - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel
The names of the reliabilityFunctions in a distinct order.
NEWLINE - Static variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
The platform-independent newline symbol.
next() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils.ParseString
Moves the pointer to the next character.
next(int) - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils.ParseString
Moves the pointer to the n-th next character.
NMWDReliabilityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
The NMWDReliabilityFunction represents the NMWD ReliabilityFunction based on the WeibullReliabilityFunction with a third parameter:
NMWDReliabilityFunction(double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.NMWDReliabilityFunction
Constructs a NMWDReliabilityFunction with a given lambda, a, and b.
nodeCount() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the number of node in this BDD.
nodeCount() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
nodes - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTopEvent
A list of all variables nodes (ordered from bottom to the root).
NormalReliabilityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
NormalReliabilityFunction(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.NormalReliabilityFunction
Constructs a NormalReliabilityFunction with a given mu and rho.
not() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns a BDD that is the negation of this BDD.
not() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
NOTTerm - Class in org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common
The NOTTerm is used to model Boolean negation by embedding a Term that shall be negated in a NOTTerm.
NOTTerm(Term) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.NOTTerm
Constructs a NOTTerm with a given term.
numberOfOperands - Variable in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
The number of operands for each term which are then popped from the stack.


Occurrence<T> - Class in org.jreliability.common
The Occurrence represents an occurrence or event, e.g., the failure or repair of an object at a given time.
Occurrence(T, double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.common.Occurrence
Constructs an Occurrence with a given object and the time.
one - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTopEvent
The instance of the one node.
one() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDDProvider
Returns the true or 1 BDD.
one() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
operandsStack - Variable in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
The stack to process the terms.
or(BDD<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the logical or of two BDDs.
or(BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
org.jreliability.bdd - package org.jreliability.bdd
Provides the classes for the BDDs used for the evaluation.
org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd - package org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd
Provides the classes for a BDD implementation based on net.sf.javabdd.
org.jreliability.booleanfunction - package org.jreliability.booleanfunction
Provides the classes for the Boolean functions used to model the system.
org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common - package org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common
Provides commonly used implementations for the Boolean functions used to model the system.
org.jreliability.common - package org.jreliability.common
Provides classes that can be commonly used in the package.
org.jreliability.evaluator - package org.jreliability.evaluator
Provides the classes for the Evaluators.
org.jreliability.function - package org.jreliability.function
Provides the classes for the ReliabilityFunctions used for the calculation of the top-event.
org.jreliability.function.common - package org.jreliability.function.common
Provides the commonly used Functions and UnreliabilityFunctions for the reliability analysis.
org.jreliability.gui - package org.jreliability.gui
Provides the classes for a simple GUI showing different reliability samplers.
org.jreliability.gui.aspect - package org.jreliability.gui.aspect
Provides the classes for the different aspects of the functions and their plots in the GUI.
org.jreliability.importancemeasures - package org.jreliability.importancemeasures
Provides the classes to calculate importance measures of components.
org.jreliability.sl - package org.jreliability.sl
Provides the classes to employ Stochastic Logic [A] for the analysis.
org.jreliability.tester - package org.jreliability.tester
Provides the classes for a simple test example including the GUI.
org.jreliability.testsystems - package org.jreliability.testsystems
org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler - package org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler
org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr - package org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr
ORTerm - Class in org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common
The ORTerm is a Term that interrelates its embedded TermUtils with the OR operator.
(OR term1 ... termN)
ORTerm() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.ORTerm
Constructs an ORTerm.
ORTerm(List<Term>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.ORTerm
Constructs an ORTerm with a given list of embedded TermUtils.
orWith(Collection<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Makes this BDD the logical or of this and that variables.
orWith(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
orWith(BDD<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Makes this BDD the logical or of this and that BDD.
orWith(BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
orWith(T) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Makes this BDD the logical or of this and that variable.
orWith(T) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD


paint(Aspect) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel
Repaints the diagram under a given Aspect.
panel - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel.AspectPicker
panel - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel
The panel.
ParallelReliabilityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
The ParallelReliabilityFunction corresponds to a parallel-structure of elements in a system as known from Serial-Parallel systems.
ParallelReliabilityFunction() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.ParallelReliabilityFunction
ParallelReliabilityFunction(Set<ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.ParallelReliabilityFunction
Constructs a ParallelReliabilityFunction with a given set of ReliabilityFunctions.
parse(Object) - Static method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils
Parses a Term from a given helper Object that has been derived from the original String encoding the Term.
ParseString(String) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils.ParseString
Constructs a TermUtils.ParseString with a given String.
picker - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel
The used aspect picker.
plot - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel
The used Ptolemy Plot.
PlotDataForImportanceMeasuresCreator - Class in org.jreliability.tester
This file is used to create importance measure data in order to plot and compare them to the results and graphs in [Ali17].
PlotDataForImportanceMeasuresCreator() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tester.PlotDataForImportanceMeasuresCreator
PLUS - org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT.Variant
PLUS_NORMALIZED - org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT.Variant
provider - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
provider - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
The used BDDProvider.
provider - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
provider - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT
provider - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BarlowProschan
provider - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityCalculator
provider - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.RAW
provider - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.RRW
Pump - Class in org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler
The Pump models a pump that is used to pump water from the Boiler to its destination.
Pump(String) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Pump
Constructs a Pump with a given name.
pump1 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestExample
The first pump.
pump1 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestExponentialTransformer
The first pump.
pump1 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestWeibullTransformer
The first pump.
pump1 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
The first pump.
pump1ReliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestExponentialTransformer
The ReliabilityFunction of the first pump.
pump1ReliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestWeibullTransformer
The ReliabilityFunction of the first pump.
pump2 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestExample
The second pump.
pump2 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestExponentialTransformer
The second pump.
pump2 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestWeibullTransformer
The second pump.
pump2 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
The second pump.
pump2ReliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestExponentialTransformer
The ReliabilityFunction of the second pump.
pump2ReliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestWeibullTransformer
The ReliabilityFunction of the second pump.


random - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
The used random number generator to trigger the simulation.
RAW<T> - Class in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The RAW class calculates the RAW values for coherent and non-coherent systems.
RAW(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.RAW
Returns a RAW calculator for a specific system with its BDD and ReliabilityFunction Transformer.
reliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.FailureRate
The ReliabilityFunction for which the FailureRate is to determine.
reliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.InverseFunction
The ReliabilityFunction for which the inverse is to determine.
reliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.UnreliabilityFunction
The ReliabilityFunction for which the UnreliabilityFunction is to determine.
reliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel
reliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestExponentialTransformer
Maps each element to its ReliabilityFunction.
reliabilityFunction - Variable in class org.jreliability.tester.TestWeibullTransformer
Maps each element to its ReliabilityFunction.
ReliabilityFunction - Interface in org.jreliability.function
The ReliabilityFunction represents a reliability or survival function R(x) that is commonly defined as
R(x) = 1 - F(x),
with F(x) being a UnreliabilityFunction F(x).
ReliabilityFunctionAspect - Class in org.jreliability.gui.aspect
ReliabilityFunctionAspect() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.ReliabilityFunctionAspect
ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel - Class in org.jreliability.gui
The ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel is a basic GUI to visualize the reliability Aspects for given ReliabilityFunctions.
ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel(List<Aspect>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel
Constructs a ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel with the given Aspects.
ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel.AspectPicker - Class in org.jreliability.gui
The ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel.AspectPicker is used to choose between the different Aspects.
reliabilityFunctions - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.SimpleFunctionTransformer
The element T and its ReliabilityFunction.
reliabilityFunctions - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel
The ReliabilityFunctions that shall be shown in the GUI.
reliabilityFunctions - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel
The list of reliabilityFunctions that shall be plotted.
reliabilityFunctions - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.BoilerTransformer
The used ReliabilityFunction for each component of the Boiler.
ReliabilityFunctionSet - Class in org.jreliability.function
The ReliabilityFunctionSet is the basic class for functions defined over a set of ReliabilityFunctions.
ReliabilityFunctionSet() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.ReliabilityFunctionSet
ReliabilityFunctionSet(Set<ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.ReliabilityFunctionSet
Constructs a ParallelReliabilityFunction with a given set of ReliabilityFunctions.
ReliabilityTester - Class in org.jreliability.tester
The ReliabilityTester is a basic tester that uses the TestExample to launch the ReliabilityViewer.
ReliabilityTester() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tester.ReliabilityTester
ReliabilityViewer - Class in org.jreliability.gui
The ReliabilityViewer is a basic GUI that shows the MeasuresPanel and the ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel.
ReliabilityViewer() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityViewer
repairCriticality - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityValues
repairCriticalityBdd - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityBDDs
replace(T, T) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns a BDD where the variable for variable1 is replaced with the variable of variable2.
replace(T, T) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
replaceWith(T, T) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Replaces the variable for variable1 with the variable of variable2 in this BDD.
replaceWith(T, T) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
restrict(BDD<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns a BDD where the variables of that BDD are set to constant reliabilityFunctions in this BDD.
restrict(BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
restrictWith(BDD<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Restricts the variables of that to constant reliabilityFunctions in this BDD.
restrictWith(BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
rho - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.LognormalReliabilityFunction
The used standard deviation of the natural logarithms of the times-to-failure.
rho - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.NormalReliabilityFunction
The used standard deviation of the natural logarithms of the times-to-failure.
rhs - Variable in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm
The right-hand-side of the LinearTerm.
root - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTopEvent
The root of the bdd.
RRW<T> - Class in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The RRW class calculates the RRW values for coherent and non-coherent systems.
RRW(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.RRW
Returns a RRW calculator for a specific system with its BDD and ReliabilityFunction Transformer.


sampleCollector - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel
The used sampleCollector to determine the Samples of a ReliabilityFunction under a given Aspect.
SampleCollector - Class in org.jreliability.gui.aspect
The SampleCollector is used to generate the Samples of a set of ReliabilityFunction under a given Aspect.
SampleCollector() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.SampleCollector
SampledReliabilityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
The SampledReliabilityFunction approximates a ReliabilityFunction from a set of Samples.
SampledReliabilityFunction(Collection<Double>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.SampledReliabilityFunction
Samples - Class in org.jreliability.common
The Samples contains all the sample values derived by the analysis.
Samples() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.common.Samples
sat() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns one satisfying variable assignment as a BDD.
sat() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
secondMoment - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel
The Evaluator to determine the second moment, used to derive the variance and deviation.
Sensor - Class in org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler
The Sensor models a sensor component in the boiler that measures and collects the data of the water temperature.
Sensor(String) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Sensor
Constructs a Sensor with a given name.
sensor1 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
The first temperature sensor.
sensor2 - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
The second temperature sensor.
SequentialFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function
The SequentialFunction is an abstract implementation for all Functions that will calculate y values sequentially in case a list of x values is given.
SequentialFunction() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.SequentialFunction
SerialReliabilityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
The SerialReliabilityFunction corresponds to a serial-structure of elements in a system as known from Serial-Parallel systems.
SerialReliabilityFunction() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.SerialReliabilityFunction
SerialReliabilityFunction(Set<ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.SerialReliabilityFunction
Constructs a SerialReliabilityFunction with a given set of ReliabilityFunctions.
SeriesParallelSystem - Class in org.jreliability.testsystems
Implements a series parallel system where component 3 is in series to 1||2.
SeriesParallelSystem(ReliabilityFunction, ReliabilityFunction, ReliabilityFunction) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.testsystems.SeriesParallelSystem
set(Aspect) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel.AspectPicker
Sets the current Aspect.
set(T, ReliabilityFunction) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.SimpleFunctionTransformer
Sets the ReliabilityFunction of an element T.
setLabels(String, String) - Method in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityFunctionPlotPanel
Sets the labels for the axes.
SimpleFunctionTransformer<T> - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
The SimpleFunctionTransformer is a basic implementation of a function Transformer.
SimpleFunctionTransformer() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.SimpleFunctionTransformer
Constructs an empty SimpleFunctionTransformer.
SimpleFunctionTransformer(Map<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.SimpleFunctionTransformer
Constructs a SimpleFunctionTransformer with given elements T and corresponding ReliabilityFunctions.
simulateTimeToFailure(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRFSimulative
Performs a single simulation run to gather one time-to-failure.
size() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.AbstractHierarchicalTerm
Returns the number of embedded TermUtils.
skipSpaces() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils.ParseString
Moves the pointer to the next character that is not a blank or newline character.
SL<T> - Class in org.jreliability.sl
The SL uses the concept of stochastic logic [A] to evaluate a given Term.
SL(Term) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.sl.SL
Constructs an SL with a given Term.
SL(Term, int) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.sl.SL
Constructs an SL with a given Term and a given length of the bit streams to use.
SLReliabilityFunction<T> - Class in org.jreliability.sl
The SLReliabilityFunction represents the ReliabilityFunction using stochastic logic as implemented by SL.
SLReliabilityFunction(SL<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.sl.SLReliabilityFunction
Constructs a SLReliabilityFunction with a given SL and Transformer.
sortedSamples - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.SampledReliabilityFunction
Sorted list of all samples.
standardMT - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel.MeasurePanel
The used standard value for the mtProbability.
staticProviders - Static variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProviderFactory
A map that provides each requested JBDDProviderFactory.Type of real BDD implementation with its specific JBDDProvider.
step - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.SampledReliabilityFunction
The x-stepsize.
stochasticLogic - Variable in class org.jreliability.sl.SLReliabilityFunction
The SL representing the UnreliabilityFunction.
string - Variable in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils.ParseString
The original String.
successProbability - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.ConstantReliabilityFunction
SumReliabilityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
The SumReliabilityFunction determines the sum of the specified set of ReliabilityFunctions.
SumReliabilityFunction() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.SumReliabilityFunction
SumReliabilityFunction(Set<ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.SumReliabilityFunction
Constructs a SumReliabilityFunction with a given set of ReliabilityFunctions.


t - Variable in class org.jreliability.common.Occurrence
The element T.
tabs - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.MeasuresPanel
The used JTabbedPane.
TCNCSystem - Class in org.jreliability.testsystems
Implements a time-consistent non-coherent system with exponential failure rates.
TCNCSystem() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.testsystems.TCNCSystem
term - Variable in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.NOTTerm
The term to negate.
term - Variable in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
The Term to be evaluated.
Term - Interface in org.jreliability.booleanfunction
The Term represents a mathematical Term in a Function.
termCache - Variable in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
In stochastic logic, equal variables have to be modeled using exactly the same bit stream (since they are actually the same!).
terms - Variable in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.AbstractHierarchicalTerm
The embedded TermUtils.
termsForStackProcessing - Variable in class org.jreliability.sl.SL
A list that orders the terms in such a way that they can later be sequentially evaluated using a stack.
TermUtils - Class in org.jreliability.booleanfunction
The TermUtils provides static methods for the Term class.
TermUtils.ParseString - Class in org.jreliability.booleanfunction
The TermUtils.ParseString is a helper class to parse a helper Object from a given String.
TestExample - Class in org.jreliability.tester
The TestExample is a play example.
TestExample() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tester.TestExample
TestExponentialTransformer - Class in org.jreliability.tester
TestExponentialTransformer() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tester.TestExponentialTransformer
TestWeibullTransformer - Class in org.jreliability.tester
TestWeibullTransformer() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tester.TestWeibullTransformer
theta - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.HjorthReliabilityFunction
The theta parameter shapes the HjorthReliabilityFunction.
time - Variable in class org.jreliability.common.Occurrence
The time of the occurrence.
TimeDependentImportanceMeasure<T> - Interface in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The TimeDependentImportanceMeasure is used to assign a importance measure value to each variable T of the system at a specific time t.
TINCSystem - Class in org.jreliability.testsystems
Implements a time-inconsistent non-coherent system with exponential failure rates.
TINCSystem() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.testsystems.TINCSystem
TMR - Class in org.jreliability.testsystems
Implements a 2-out-of-3 majority voter system, also known as Triple Modular Redundancy.
TMR - Class in org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr
The TMR models a 2-out-of-3 majority voter commonly known as Triple Modular Redundancy.
TMR() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr.TMR
Constructs a TMR.
TMR(ReliabilityFunction, ReliabilityFunction, ReliabilityFunction) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.testsystems.TMR
TMRTester - Class in org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr
The TMRTester performs some common actions that are done with a modeled system.
TMRTester() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr.TMRTester
toDot(BDD<T>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Returns a graphical representation of the BDD in the DOT input format.
toObject(TermUtils.ParseString) - Static method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils
Transforms a given String to a helper Object that represents Terms as Lists of helper Objects and variables as Strings.
topEvent - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDReliabilityFunction
The calculator for the top event.
toString() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
toString() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.ANDTerm
toString() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.FALSETerm
toString() - Method in enum org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm.Comparator
toString() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm
toString() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LiteralTerm
toString() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.NOTTerm
toString() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.ORTerm
toString() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.TRUETerm
toString() - Method in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.TermUtils.ParseString
toString() - Method in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.BoilerComponent
transform(String) - Method in class org.jreliability.tester.TestExponentialTransformer
transform(String) - Method in class org.jreliability.tester.TestWeibullTransformer
transform(Term) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
Transforms a Term to a BDD.
transform(BoilerComponent) - Method in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.BoilerTransformer
transform(T) - Method in class org.jreliability.function.common.SimpleFunctionTransformer
transformAND(ANDTerm) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
Transforms an ANDTerm to a BDD.
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.ABGT
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BarlowProschan
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.CriticalityCalculator
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.RAW
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.RRW
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.BridgeSystem
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.SeriesParallelSystem
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TCNCSystem
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TINCSystem
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.testsystems.TMR
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.boiler.Boiler
transformer - Variable in class org.jreliability.tutorial.tmr.TMR
The used ReliabilityFunction Transformer.
transformFALSE(FALSETerm) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
Transforms a FALSETerm to a BDD.
transformLinear(LinearTerm) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
Transforms a LinearTerm to a BDD.
transformLiteral(LiteralTerm<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
Transforms a LiteralTerm to a BDD.
transformNOT(NOTTerm) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
Transforms a NOTTerm to a BDD.
transformOR(ORTerm) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
Transforms an ORTerm to a BDD.
transformTRUE(TRUETerm) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTTRF
Transforms a TRUETerm to a BDD.
traverseBDD(BDD<T>, Set<BDD<T>>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDs
Traverses the BDD to sort the nodes.
TRUETerm - Class in org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common
The TRUETerm corresponds to the logical TRUE or 1.
TRUETerm() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.TRUETerm
TTRF<T> - Interface in org.jreliability.booleanfunction
The TTRF converts a Term to a ReliabilityFunction.
type - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProviderFactory
The used JBDDProviderFactory.Type of real BDD implementation.


UnreliabilityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function
The UnreliabilityFunction determines the UnreliabilityFunction F(x) of a given ReliabilityFunction R(x) as
UnreliabilityFunction(ReliabilityFunction) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.UnreliabilityFunction
Constructs a UnreliabilityFunction with a given ReliabilityFunction.
UnreliabilityFunctionAspect - Class in org.jreliability.gui.aspect
UnreliabilityFunctionAspect() - Constructor for class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.UnreliabilityFunctionAspect


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProviderFactory.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm.Comparator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT.Variant
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProviderFactory.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LinearTerm.Comparator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jreliability.importancemeasures.BAGT.Variant
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
var() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the variable labeling the BDD.
var() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
variable - Variable in class org.jreliability.booleanfunction.common.LiteralTerm
The variable or literal.
variableGrowthFactor - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
The factor to extend the number of variables in case more variables are required.
variableOffset - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
The offset of the variables.
variables - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTopEvent
Map of the original variables to the internal structure of the variables.
variableToInt - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
A translation of the variable to an Integer for the real BDD.
vars - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
The number of variables.
Vaurio<T> - Class in org.jreliability.importancemeasures
The Vaurio class calculates the Vaurio Importance for non-coherent systems proposed by [Vau16].
Vaurio(BDD<T>, Transformer<T, ReliabilityFunction>) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.importancemeasures.Vaurio
Returns a Vaurio calculator for a specific system with its BDD and ReliabilityFunction Transformer.
view(String, Map<String, ReliabilityFunction>) - Static method in class org.jreliability.gui.ReliabilityViewer
Constructs and views JFrame with a given title and a list of ReliabilityFunctions.


WeibullReliabilityFunction - Class in org.jreliability.function.common
The WeibullReliabilityFunction represents the 2-parameter Weibull reliability function
WeibullReliabilityFunction(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jreliability.function.common.WeibullReliabilityFunction
Constructs a WeibullReliabilityFunction with a given alpha and beta.


xAxis - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.AbstractAspect
The label of the x-axis.
xor(BDD<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Returns the logical xor of two BDDs.
xor(BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
xorWith(BDD<T>) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Makes this BDD the logical xor of this and that BDD.
xorWith(BDD<T>) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD
xorWith(T) - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDD
Makes this BDD the logical xor of this and that variable.
xorWith(T) - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDD


yarray - Variable in class org.jreliability.function.common.SampledReliabilityFunction
Array from the x values (as positions) to the y values.
yAxis - Variable in class org.jreliability.gui.aspect.AbstractAspect
The label of the y-axis.


zero - Variable in class org.jreliability.bdd.BDDTopEvent
The instance of the zero node.
zero() - Method in interface org.jreliability.bdd.BDDProvider
Returns the false or 0 BDD.
zero() - Method in class org.jreliability.bdd.javabdd.JBDDProvider
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